Dream Job on Hold? How a Stop-Gap Job Can Fuel Your Next Big Move

Job Search

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With over a decade in corporate recruiting and leadership, including significant contributions at Tesla, I understand the joys and pains of navigating the workplace as a woman.

I’ve experienced feeling unfulfilled and undervalued in a career. I also worked my way up the corporate ladder, earned promotions, and absolutely LOVED my career.

My journey reflects that of many professional women, and now I share my insights and strategies on this blog to help you build a career you love!

Certified Career Coach

Hi there! I’m Nicole Miles. 


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Ever found yourself at a crossroads in your career journey? A layoff, a pause, a moment when the path to your dream job seems temporarily obstructed. Meet the underestimated ally of career transitions – the stop-gap job.

Picture this: You’re navigating the unpredictable terrain of a layoff, and suddenly, the concept of a stop-gap job emerges.

Stop-gap jobs could be temporary jobs, gig work, seasonal work – a diverse array of opportunities that may extend beyond the traditional 9-to-5. It’s not your dream job, but rather a strategic move, a temporary bridge that can offer more than just financial support during a transitional period.

Stop-gap jobs can be valuable stepping stones toward your dream role and often provide valuable lessons that weren’t initially expected. Think of it as a transformative experience.

Let’s explore how these temporary gigs can be more than just a pause button—they can be the catalyst for your next big move.

Skill Refinement

Even if the tasks seem mundane, every job hones valuable skills. Identify and highlight these skills because, ultimately, any new lessons learned can be transferable assets for your dream job.

Networking Goldmines

You just never know who you’ll meet on the job. Networking in these roles can open doors to opportunities you hadn’t considered. Keep in mind: every connection is a potential stepping stone.


Stop-gap jobs may throw unexpected challenges your way, fostering adaptability and resilience. When you’re in a role you least expected, it’s like an automated crash course in staying cool under pressure.

Discovering Passions

Stop-gap roles often help clarify what you enjoy (or don’t). Use this new environment and challenge as a launching point for self-discovery that will help shape your career path more intentionally.
So there you have it—stop-gap jobs, the underestimated ally of career transitions. From skill refinement to unexpected networking opportunities, these roles can be the bridge between where you are and where you want to be.

If you’re ready to turn your temporary gig into a strategic move toward your dream job, I’ve got more insights, tips, and strategies waiting for you. Join my email list to receive exclusive content tailored to ambitious women like you, navigating the twists and turns of their career journeys.

Don’t let your dream job stay on hold any longer. Use your experience as a powerful launchpad to reach new heights! Sign up now and let’s embark on this journey together!

About Me

With over a decade in corporate recruiting and leadership, including significant contributions at Tesla, I understand the joys and pains of navigating the workplace as a woman.

I’ve experienced feeling unfulfilled and undervalued in a career. I also worked my way up the corporate ladder, earned promotions, and absolutely LOVED my career.

My journey reflects that of many professional women, and now I share my insights and strategies on this blog to help you build a career you love!

Certified Career Coach

Hi there! I’m Nicole Miles. 


Get instant access to the FREE Standout Resume Toolkit created with YOU in mind.

Master the Art of Making a Lasting Impression.

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