Is it time for you to break through professional barriers and claim the rewarding career you've always envisioned?

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You find yourself in a career that feels more draining than rewarding, leaving you yearning for a job that truly excites you.

You face the frustration of being overlooked for promotions, despite your hard work and dedication.

The challenge of networking effectively seems daunting, making it hard to establish meaningful professional connections.

You're struggling to make your resume and cover letter stand out, feeling lost in the sea of applicants.

Navigating salary negotiations seems like a daunting task, leaving you uncertain about how to secure the compensation you deserve.

You often grapple with imposter syndrome, doubting your accomplishments and fearing you don't truly belong in your professional sphere.

Does this sound like you?

Your resume and cover letter is transformed, enabling you to stand out and make a memorable impression on potential employers.

You unlock your earning potential by mastering the art of salary negotiation, empowering you to take control of your financial future.

You overcome imposter syndrome, gaining confidence in your skills and achievements, and securing your rightful place in your professional field.

You discovered a career path that not only excites but also fulfills you, aligning with your passions and strengths.

You learned strategies to showcase your talent and hard work, positioning yourself effectively for promotions and recognition.

You could develop the skills to network confidently, building valuable professional relationships that can open doors to new opportunities.

Now, imagine if...

A study by Harvard Business Review found that women who received coaching were 57% more likely to be promoted within two years, highlighting the tangible impact of such personal and professional growth.

Career Power Play


3-Month Program

This 3-month coaching program is designed to provide professional women step-by-step guidance to land their dream career! 

It is a personalized 90-day action plan, focused on making a smooth transition to a new position or advancing in your current role, refining job application materials, enhancing networking skills, and gaining the confidence to have a fulfilling career. This includes 12 weekly 1:1 private coaching sessions to strategize and execute your plan, tackle challenges, and celebrate your wins. 

This comprehensive approach is designed to guide you towards professional fulfillment and success, ensuring you have the support and resources to land your dream career.


These resources are designed to enhance every aspect of your job search and career development process.

Love Your Career Formula© workbooks and Success Paths that have already helped thousands of women in their career development. 

Practice interview and salary negotiation strategies, equipping you with the skills to excel in interviews and secure the best possible job offers. 

Expertly crafted templates and scripts ensuring your application stands out.

A comprehensive resume and LinkedIn profile review and feedback for maximum impact and optimization.

With this program you’ll receive: 

It's time to break free from stagnation and uncover your full career potential!

Develop a standout resume and craft a compelling cover letter that showcases your skills and achievements, capturing the attention of Recruiters and Hiring Managers.

Optimize your LinkedIn profile for greater visibility and networking opportunities, enhancing your online professional presence.

Create an impactful, polished elevator pitch that succinctly presents your professional value in networking and interview situations.

Discover effective and actionable tips for successful salary negotiation, ensuring you maximize your earning potential.

By completing this program, you’ll:

Build and hone your leadership abilities. This module covers essential skills and strategies to become an effective and inspiring leader in your field.

Successful Leadership Skills & Strategies

Create a roadmap to your ideal career. This module focuses on setting clear, achievable goals and developing a step-by-step plan to reach them.

Designing Your Dream Career Plan

Discover what truly drives you in your professional life. This module helps you identify your passions and align them with your career goals, setting the foundation for a fulfilling career journey.

Igniting Your Passion through Career Clarity

Here’s what we can accomplish together:

Learn the art of concise self-promotion and effective networking. This module equips you with the skills to craft impactful elevator pitches and build a powerful professional network.

Polished Elevator Pitches & Strategic Networking

Master the craft of writing resumes and cover letters that capture attention. This module guides you in showcasing your skills and experiences to appeal to potential employers.

Standout Resumes & Compelling Cover Letters

Develop your interviewing prowess and negotiation skills. In this module, you'll learn techniques to excel in interviews and negotiate salaries confidently.

Mastering Interviewing & Salary Negotiations

Enhance your job search with effective strategies and a strong LinkedIn presence. This module teaches you how to efficiently search for jobs and optimize your LinkedIn profile for maximum visibility.

Results-driven Job Search Strategies including LinkedIn Optimization

Navigate the initial phase of a new role successfully. This module prepares you to make a positive impact in the first 90 days of your new job.

Conquering the first 90 Days on a New Job

Your journey begins with this transformative program.