
About Me

With over a decade in corporate recruiting and leadership, including at Tesla, I understand the joys and pains of navigating the workplace as a woman.

I’ve experienced feeling unfulfilled and undervalued in a career. I also worked my way up the corporate ladder, earned promotions, and absolutely LOVED my career.

My journey reflects that of many professional women, and now I share my insights and strategies on this blog to help you build a career you love!

Certified Career Coach

Hi there! I’m Nicole Miles. 

About Me

With over a decade in corporate recruiting and leadership, including at Tesla, I understand the joys and pains of navigating the workplace as a woman.

I’ve experienced feeling unfulfilled and undervalued in a career. I also worked my way up the corporate ladder, earned promotions, and absolutely LOVED my career.

My journey reflects that of many professional women, and now I share my insights and strategies on this blog to help you build a career you love!

Certified Career Coach

Hi there! I’m Nicole Miles. 


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